Autodesk Profiles a CADD Microsystems Pro-bono Project That helped Connect Veterans With Therapy Dogs

Dec 12, 2016

Wounded Warrior Canine Project

CADD Microsystems donated services to a construction project that the Warrior Canine Connection (WCC) had undertaken. WCC required a new training facility for the service animals and trainers, animal housing, trainer housing, and grounds keeping buildings to be built on the new property. The challenge was to either renovate the existing structures on the property or demolish them and make way for new construction. First, the structures needed to be analyzed, assessed, and recreated in digital form so that the design work could take place. CADD Microsystems, along with Autodesk and other partners, were more than ready to assist throughout the entire construction effort.

To read more about this amazing project, check out Autodesk's wrap-up of the project here.





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