CADD Microsystems Privacy Policy – Effective date: March 27, 2023

Protecting your privacy is important to CADD Microsystems, Inc. This Privacy Statement explains how CADD Microsystems, Inc. processes personal data collected through websites, products, and services (“applications”), and through in-person and digital events, webinars, surveys, marketing activities, and visits to our premises (along with applications, collectively our “offerings”). References to “CADD Microsystems, Inc.,” “we,” or “our” means CADD Microsystems, Inc.

We may display supplemental privacy notices on occasion, such as when we believe additional transparency would help you make an informed choice about whether to provide personal data. For example, you may see a supplemental privacy notice explaining a particular data collection program, or you may see a supplemental privacy notice when registering for an event.

This Privacy Statement describes how we process personal data for our own purposes. We also process personal data on behalf of our customers subject to a written contract. We do not control the data processing or protection practices of our customers, which may differ from those set out in this Privacy Statement.

“Personal data” is information that identifies, or can reasonably be linked directly or indirectly to, an identifiable person. Personal data does not include information that is anonymous, de-identified, or aggregated, as those terms may be defined under applicable law. For purposes of this Privacy Statement, “personal data” and “personal information” have the same meaning and are used interchangeably. 

What information does CADD Microsystems, Inc. collect about you?

We obtain personal data in different ways. Some personal data is collected directly from you. Other data is automatically collected or generated about how, when, and why you interact with us through our offerings, including data obtained using cookies and other tracking technologies. We also obtain data about you from third parties.

Information you provide us:

We collect information directly from you, such as when you sign up for an account or use our offerings, register a product or service, sign up for our newsletter or for one of our events, interact with one of our events, surveys, activities or with social media, visit our premises, fill out a form on our website, provide your information at an industry tradeshow, attend training(s), use our helpdesk or otherwise contact us. The types of information we may collect from you include:

  • Identifiers, such as your name, telephone number, physical and/or email addresses, account username, and account password.
  • Professional information, such as your occupation, industry, professional licenses, work experience and employment history, and other qualifications.
  • Commercial information, such as details about your subscription plans, the offerings that you have purchased, used and/or expressed interest in, and events you have attended.
  • Financial account information, such as payment information you provide when making a purchase of or through an offering (a third-party processes these transfers on our behalf as described below).
  • Education information, such as your educational background and training records.
  • Protected characteristics, such as your date of birth (where applicable).
  • Information that may be deemed sensitive under applicable laws, such as usernames and passwords used to access your account, government identification numbers, and information regarding children.
  • Visual, audio, and electronic information, such as your picture or signature; records of our interactions, such as correspondence, video recordings of teleconference calls or online events, details of complaints and their resolutions, service records; your preferences, including your preferred tools, experience, language, and the frequency at which you wish to receive marketing communications.


Information we obtain or generate:

We automatically collect or generate certain personal information about you based on your interactions with us, such as when you use our offerings, and we may associate that information with your account. The information we automatically collect or generate includes:

  • Identifiers, such as unique user identifiers, unique device identifiers, IP addresses, cookie identifiers, information about product licenses, and usernames.
  • Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as the website domain visited; email content engaged with, application session details, which activities and offerings are used, how, and for how long; posts, discussions, and other types of engagement with us, including on our blogs, discussion forums, or chat rooms; the use of any hyperlinks or downloadable content available through the offerings.
  • Geolocation information, such as region, country, state, Zip, or postal code.
  • Electronic information, such as information about operating systems, device types, information about browsers, information relating to automatic updates and technical errors, information about your use of our offerings, including your preferred tools and experiences, and your engagement with our activities.
  • Commercial information, such as records about interest in our offerings or completed purchases.
  • Information that may be deemed sensitive under applicable laws, such as usernames and passwords used to access your account, and precise geolocation information.
  • Inferences drawn from any of the personal and offering usage information available to us.


We also use cookies (small text files stored by your web browser when you use websites) and related technologies, such as pixels and beacons (collectively “Cookies”), to collect and store information when you use our applications.

In addition, we gather certain information automatically as part of your use of our products and services via CADD Microsystems, Inc. analytics programs and tools, including third-party analytics tools, such as Google Analytics.

Social Networking Data: We may include content, pixels, tags, buttons, or other tools that link to another company’s services and/or platform(s) (“Plugins”). If you use one of our offerings that contains Plugins, information can be transferred directly from your device to a third-party provider of services and/or platforms. We may not control the data collected by Plugins. If you are logged into a social network, the social network may be able to link your use of our offerings to their services and/or platform.

For example, if you interact with a Plugin by clicking on "Like," "Follow," or "Share," by writing a comment, or registering for a webinar/content through the Plugin, this information may automatically appear in your profile on the relevant social network service or platform. Even if you are not logged in, the Plugins may send your IP address to social network services and/or platforms. Please note this when using our offerings.

When you connect to a social networking service or platform on a device that is also used by others, these other users may be able to see information that is stored or displayed in connection with your profile on the social networking service page.

Information we collect from other parties:

We receive and process information from our affiliates and from third-party sources, including employers, business partners, customers, business contact databases, enrichment services, marketing service providers, third-party data aggregators, authentication providers, and social networking services and platforms (e.g., LinkedIn and Facebook). We also receive information from publicly available sources and licensors. The categories of personal information we collect from these sources include:

  • Identifiers, such as names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
  • Professional information, such as occupations, industries, professional licenses, work experience and employment histories, and other qualifications.
  • Education information, such as your educational background.
  • Commercial information, such as events you have attended or activities you have participated in.
  • Inferences, such as regarding usage information and your preferences, behaviors, and other attributes.
  • Permissions, such as role or capabilities at your organization.

In accordance with applicable law, we may combine your personal data with information we collect from other parties to help keep our databases current and accurate, and to provide you with more relevant content, experiences, applications, and other offerings.

How does CADD Microsystems, Inc. use the information it collects about you?

We collect and use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • To validate your identity as necessary to perform our contract with you.
  • To deliver services, products, and other offerings, including information such as insights and recommendations, as necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations. For example, we may analyze usage information for billing or discount purposes.
  • To send you important information, such as about your account or purchases, within the scope of our contract with you.
  • To send you information you requested to the extent necessary to perform our contract with you or, when not necessary to perform a contract, in furtherance of our legitimate interest, for example, in responding to customer inquiries.
  • To maintain and improve the security of, and to troubleshoot any issues relating to, our offerings as necessary to perform our contract with you or, when not necessary to perform a contract, in furtherance of our legitimate interest in protecting our business.
  • To develop and improve our current and future offerings and your experience, including through the use of automated systems that analyze data using machine learning and other analytic techniques, in furtherance of our legitimate interests or, where needed, with consent.
  • To understand the ways our offerings are used and who is using them in furtherance of our legitimate interest in improving our offerings and the overall user experience or, where needed, with consent.
  • To analyze information about how you interact or may interact with us or our offerings in furtherance of our legitimate interest in improving our offerings and your experience with us or, where needed, with consent.
  • To make strategic decisions concerning our business operations, including reporting on the performance of our business, in furtherance of our legitimate interest in making those decisions or, where needed, with consent.
  • To send you learning content, tutorials, suggestions, newsletters, surveys, or other information, including information that may be relevant to your interests or preferences, in furtherance of our legitimate interest in improving your customer experience or, where needed, with consent.
  • To send you promotional offers, advertising, or other marketing content in furtherance of our legitimate interest to engage in direct marketing or with consent as required by applicable law.
  • To detect, prevent, or otherwise address non-valid use such as through fraud and software piracy (e.g., to confirm that software is genuine and properly licensed) and to protect you, CADD Microsystems, Inc., and/or third parties in furtherance of our legitimate interests.
  • To enforce, and review compliance with, the legal terms that govern our offerings in furtherance of our legitimate interest in ensuring adherence to the relevant terms.
  • To comply with our legal obligations under applicable laws.
  • To protect the rights, safety, and property of CADD Microsystems, Inc., you, or any third party in furtherance of our legitimate interest in protecting us, our users, and third parties.
  • For other purposes for which we obtain your consent.


Where we rely on your consent to process personal data, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the contact details below or as otherwise indicated to you in writing. Please note that your withdrawal of consent will not affect our processing activities based on your consent that occurred before your withdrawal.

Where we rely on our legitimate interests to process your personal information, we balance your rights against ours so that our interest is not overridden by the interests you have to protect your information. You may also have the right to object to that processing on the basis of circumstances specific to you. For more information, see “What Rights and Choices Do You Have?” below.

When we process personal data about you to comply with legal requirements or to perform our obligations under a contract with you or with our customer through whom you use our offerings, failure to provide such data may prevent or delay our fulfillment of these obligations.



How does CADD Microsystems, Inc. disclose your personal data?

We disclose the categories of information described above to the following categories of persons:

  • Our service providers, including vendors, consultants, contractors, and other service providers who perform services or functions on our behalf, for business purposes. For example, our service providers include companies who support us with marketing, sales, consulting, communications, software maintenance and support, analytics, social media, live and online events, market research, auditing for valid use, license compliance, security, user verification, localization, and payment processing. Our service providers process your information subject to contractual terms that restrict their ability to use your information.
  • Our business partners, such as integration partners, event sponsors, partners, attendees, and Ad Partners with whom you interact to facilitate your relationship with CADD Microsystems, Inc., and those business partners for any of the purposes described in our or those business partners’ privacy statements.
  • Social networking services and platforms to connect with or share information publicly, with service providers, or with your contacts on such services or platforms.
  • Persons to whom we are required by law to provide information, such as pursuant to a subpoena or a court order.
  • Law enforcement, legal counsel, or other reasonably necessary parties when we determine that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (a) comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or appropriate government request or to enforce or apply our terms and conditions or to establish, exercise or defend the rights of CADD Microsystems, Inc., CADD Microsystems, Inc. personnel, customers, or others.
  • Persons involved in the consideration, negotiation, completion of a business transaction, including the sale, merger, consolidation, acquisition, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, bankruptcy, or reorganization, and any subsequent integration.


We may also disclose your personal information to other parties when we have your consent to do so or when you direct us to, for any purposes requested or permitted by you.

We may share aggregate, anonymous, or de-identified demographic, statistical, and other information regarding use of our offerings with third parties for marketing, analytics, planning, and other purposes. Such information will not specifically identify any particular user.

How does CADD Microsystems, Inc. protect your data?

We maintain a combination of reasonable and appropriate physical, organizational, administrative, and technological procedures and controls to protect your data from unauthorized access, use, loss, alteration, destruction, modification, or other malicious actions.

We take reasonable steps to limit the access employees, contractors, and agents of CADD Microsystems, Inc. have to your personal data to those who need to know this data to perform their assigned functions.



How does CADD Microsystems, Inc. handle credit information and third-party services?

To evaluate the creditworthiness of a party and to establish appropriate payment terms, we may gather credit information from third-party credit reporting agencies and credit references. The methods of obtaining such information may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Third-Party Credit Reporting Services:  CADD Microsystems, Inc. may use third-party credit reporting services, such as Dun & Bradstreet, to obtain credit information. When we request credit information from these services, we may provide them with your business name, address, and other necessary identifying information. We will use the information received from the third-party services solely for the purpose of assessing your creditworthiness and determining appropriate payment terms.
  • Credit Application:  If you are a new customer of CADD Microsystems, Inc., we may require you to complete a credit application. This application may request information about your business, including but not limited to, your business name, address, tax identification number, banking information, and trade references.
  • Credit References:  We may contact the vendors or suppliers you provide as credit references in your credit application to verify your payment history and creditworthiness. By providing these references, you authorize us to contact them and request this information.
  • Use of Credit Information:  We will use the credit information gathered from the third-party credit reporting services, credit application, and credit references to determine whether to extend payment terms and the appropriate terms for your account. We may also use this information to periodically review and update your account's payment terms.

Please note that we will handle all collected credit information in accordance with our data protection and privacy practices outlined in this privacy policy. If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your credit information, please contact us at

What rights and choices do you have?

You have the right to access, update, delete, receive a copy of, or restrict our use of your personal data. When we process personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent any time.

To request a copy of the personal data in your account, please submit a request to privacy.questions@CADDMicrosystems.comConsistent with applicable law, we may ask for proof of your identity before fulfilling your request, and we may ask for additional forms of verification depending on the nature of the personal information requested.

Certain jurisdictions grant individuals additional rights with respect to their personal data. Depending on where you live or applicable law, you may also have the right to:

  • Object to our processing of your personal data.
  • Have us block or anonymize your personal data, as appropriate.
  • Receive a copy of your personal data to transfer it to a third party.
  • Opt-out of certain direct marketing communications.
  • Opt-out of certain disclosures of your personal information to third parties.
  • Opt-out of targeted advertising.
  • Opt-out of profiling that may have legal or other significant effects on you (Please note that we do not engage in such profiling)
  • Not be denied a good or service for exercising your rights, though you may be provided a different level of service or charged a different rate or price consistent with applicable law.
  • Lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority in the jurisdiction in which you are located.
  • Appeal any decision we may make regarding your requests.


These rights may be limited in some circumstances by local law. For example, even if you ask us to delete your personal information, we may need to retain it to complete transactions you have requested, to comply with our legal obligations, or for other limited business purposes as required or permitted by law. To exercise the rights you may have, please contact us at

Where we process personal data on behalf of our customers, we may refer the request to the relevant customer and cooperate with their handling of the request, subject to any special contractual arrangement with that customer.

Residents of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia, please read the relevant section “Privacy Rights under U.S. Privacy Laws” below for additional disclosures and information regarding your rights under applicable law.

What are CADD Microsystems, Inc.’s storage and data retention practices?

We store your personal data and content on our servers and the servers of our service providers. We will retain your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary or permitted and proportionate to the purpose for which it was collected. For example, to provide you with the offerings that you are using or have requested, for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, and as needed to comply with our legal obligations. Data may persist in copies made for backup and business continuity purposes for additional time. There may be occasions where we are unable to fully delete, anonymize or de-identify your personal data due to technical, legal, regulatory compliance or other operational reasons.  Data is not retained on behalf of a customer for disaster recovery or backup purposes.

Does CADD Microsystems, Inc. transfer your personal data across national borders?

Your personal information may be stored and processed in your region or another country where CADD Microsystems, Inc and their service providers maintain servers and facilities.  We take steps, including through contracts, intended to ensure that the information continues to be protected wherever it is located in a manner consistent with the standards of protection required under applicable law.

What are CADD Microsystems, Inc.’s marketing and advertising practices?

We use analytics tools and also work with one or more advertising networks and digital advertising partners (our “Ad Partners”) that use Cookies to collect information about application visitors, to serve ads, and to help us track results of advertising and marketing campaigns. Partners of our Ad Partners may also use Cookies to collect information from you for these purposes. Through these means, we and/or our Ad Partners and their partners may be able to collect information from application visitors, including websites visited, how and when applications are used, marketing preferences, IP addresses, device IDs, and browser information. This information is used to display personalized advertising in websites and other applications, to calculate and control the number of unique and repeat views of a given ad, to deliver ads that relate to a visitor’s interests, and to measure the effectiveness of ad campaigns. We process your personal data for the above activities in furtherance of our legitimate interests or, where required, with your consent.

You can opt out of the use of your information by certain Ad Partners for online behavioral advertising by using the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Your AdChoices tool. The Your AdChoices tool may not work if your browser does not accept third-party Cookies, and if you delete Cookies, use a different browser, or use a different computer, you will need to use the tool again to renew your opt out.

If you reside in the U.S., please see what additional rights you might have in the "Privacy Rights under U.S. Privacy Laws" section below.

As described above, you can change your Cookie preferences. Cookie choices are generally application-, browser-, and device-specific, so you may need to refresh your choices if you visit a different application, use a new browser or device, or clear your browser’s cookies.

CADD Microsystems, Inc. currently does not respond to “do not track” signals.

How does CADD Microsystems, Inc. protect children and student data?

At CADD Microsystems, Inc., we care deeply about children’s privacy and protecting their data.

Our applications are made for the general public and are designed for adult users. We refer to these applications as “general interest applications.” We do not knowingly collect personal data from children in connection with general interest applications.

Is the personal data you give us ever displayed publicly?

As always, we urge you to be mindful when deciding to disclose personal data, including on our offerings. Our offerings may allow you to post content, including comments and “likes,” that can be visible to the public.

In some cases, you can limit who can view or access the information and content you post. In other cases, the information and content might be available to registered members of the offering, or even to the general public. Your name, username, profile image, or email address (particularly if this is your username) may be posted along with any message or other content you post through some of our offerings.

If you are posting information, you do not want to be disclosed publicly, make sure you are using an offering that allows you to control who sees information you have posted.

Will this Privacy Statement change?

We may change this Privacy Statement to reflect changes in the law, our data handling practices, or the features of our business. The updated Privacy Statement will be available at will show the date the Privacy Statement was last updated to help you know when we change it. If we make material changes to our Privacy Statement, we will endeavor to provide you with notice before such changes take effect, such as through prominent notice on our website or services or by email.

How to contact us?

To contact us, please use the following contact information. When you do so, please tell us the name of the offering about which you are contacting us:

By email at:

By postal mail:

CADD Microsystems, Inc.
Privacy Questions
6361 Walker Lane, Suite 400
Alexandria, VA  22310
United States

To contact our data protection officer, please use the following contact information:

Who can I contact with questions or concerns?

We are committed to working with you to obtain a fair resolution of any complaint or concern about privacy. If, however, you believe that we have not been able to assist with your complaint or concern, you have a right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority of the United States of America.

Privacy Rights under U.S. Privacy Laws


We described several types of rights in “What Rights and Choices Do You Have?” above.

If you reside in California, you may have the following rights:

  • right to access the specific pieces of your information that we have collected about you in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format.
  • right to know details about our processing of your information.
  • right to request deletion of your personal information.
  • right to correct inaccurate data in certain circumstances.
  • right to opt-out of sales of personal information and the sharing of your personal information for cross context behavioral and targeted advertising; and
  • the right to non-discrimination (e.g., to not be denied goods or services for exercising your rights).


To the extent applicable, you also have the right to limit the use and disclosure of any "sensitive personal information."

California law treats certain disclosures of personal information with third parties in exchange for something of value as “sales,” even when no money changes hand. CADD Microsystems, Inc. does not exchange your personal information for money. However, some of the technologies we use to provide our offerings involve transfers of personal information that may be considered a “sale” under California law. In addition, California consumers have the right to opt out of the “sharing” of their information for cross-context behavioral advertising.

You may opt-out of these transfers or exercise the rights above by emailing us at

Except as described in this notice or provided under applicable privacy laws, there is no charge to exercise your legal rights. However, if your requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular because of their repetitive character, we may:

  • Charge a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or taking the action requested; or
  • Refuse to act on the request and notify you of the reason for refusing the request.


Please note that the above rights are not absolute, and we may be entitled to refuse requests in whole or in part, where exceptions under applicable law apply. For example, we may decline certain requests where the time and resources expended by us to honor the request significantly outweigh the benefit provided to the consumer.

We may need to verify your identity before completing your rights request. How we verify your identity depends on whether you hold an account with CADD Microsystems, Inc.

  • Individuals with CADD Microsystems, Inc. accounts can verify their identity by logging into their account.
  • Individuals without CADD Microsystems, Inc. accounts (non-account holders) need to provide information establishing their identity to the degree of certainty required by law. We may ask non-account holders to provide information such as name, e-mail addresses, and information relating to their use of the CADD Microsystems, Inc. websites or other offerings.
  • Authorized Agents: Persons authorized to submit requests on behalf of a consumer (“agents”) can submit a request by email to We may notify the consumer and require the consumer to independently verify their identity with us and confirm that you provided the authorized agent permission to submit the rights request before fulfilling the authorized agent’s request. This verification process is not necessary if your authorized agent provides documentation reflecting that the authorized agent has power of attorney to act on your behalf under Cal. Probate Code §§ 4121 to 4130.
  • We will not respond to your data rights request until we are able to verify your identity or confirm the validity of an Authorized Agent request.


We retain certain information relating to your CPRA request to demonstrate compliance with CPRA and to improve our consumer request process. We retain personal information that is reasonably necessary and proportionate to the purpose for which it was collected or for other disclosed and compatible purposes.


Virginia: Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act

The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act provides Virginia consumers with certain rights regarding their personal data. If you are a resident of Virginia, you may have the following rights with respect to your personal data, subject to applicable exceptions:

  • The right to confirm whether CADD Microsystems, Inc. is processing personal information;
  • The right to access;
  • The right to deletion;
  • The right to data portability;
  • The right to correct inaccurate personal data;
  • The right to opt out of the sale of personal data, and the processing of personal data for targeted advertising, or profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects;
  • The right to non-discrimination; and
  • The right to appeal the denial of a consumer rights request.


To exercise your rights or to appeal a decision, please contact us via email at


Colorado: Colorado Privacy Act, effective July 1, 2023

The Colorado Privacy Act provides Colorado consumers with certain rights regarding their personal data. If you are a resident of Colorado, you may have the following rights with respect to your personal data, subject to applicable exceptions:

  • The right to access;
  • The right to deletion;
  • The right to data portability ;
  • The right to correct inaccurate personal data;
  • The right to opt out of the sale (any exchange for monetary or other valuable consideration) of personal data, the processing of personal data for targeted advertising, or profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects;
  • The right to non-discrimination; and
  • The right to appeal the denial of a consumer rights request.


To exercise your rights or to appeal a decision, please contact us via email at


Connecticut: Connecticut Data Privacy Act, effective July 1, 2023

The Connecticut Data Privacy Act provides Connecticut consumers with certain rights regarding their personal data. If you are a resident of Connecticut, you may have the following rights with respect to your personal data, subject to applicable exceptions:

  • The right to access;
  • The right to deletion;
  • The right to data portability;
  • The right to correct inaccurate personal data;
  • The right to opt out of the sale (any exchange for monetary or other valuable consideration) of personal data, the processing of personal data for targeted advertising, and profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects;
  • The right to non-discrimination; and
  • The right to appeal the denial of a consumer rights request.


To exercise your rights or appeal our decision regarding your request, please contact us via email at


Utah: Utah Consumer Privacy Act, effective December 31, 2023

The Utah Consumer Privacy Act provides Utah consumers with certain rights regarding their personal data. If you are a resident of Utah, you may have the following rights with respect to your personal data, subject to applicable exceptions:

  • The right to access;
  • The right to deletion;
  • The right to data portability;
  • The right to opt out of the sale (any exchange for monetary or other valuable consideration) of personal data or the processing of personal data for targeted advertising; and
  • The right to non-discrimination

To exercise your rights, please contact us via email at