CADD Foundation Hosts Another Successful Fundraiser!

Dec 10, 2015

The CADD Foundation donated $20,000 to the Travis Manion Foundation after epic event

The CADD Foundation recently held its second annual Travis Manion Foundation Fundraiser, and thanks to its success, we were able to donate $20,000 to the Travis Manion Foundation! We couldn't have done it without our generous sponsors, donors and guests, and we THANK YOU for your excitement and generosity.

Check out how much fun we were having!

We don't like to brag, but we know we throw a great party. More than 120 people attended the fundraiser, and they were entertained by a live band all night long. The band featured CADD Microsystems employees, customers, partners and friends, and they weren't allowed to leave the stage until the event ended!

In addition to the live music, the fundraiser featured food, an open bar, raffle prizes and a LIVELY silent auction. You might be saying "hey, how can a SILENT auction be lively?" but trust us, there were gift basket lurkers and stalkers, people outbidding each other left and right, and a mad rush at the end of the night to ensure top bids were still standing.

All the food for the fundraiser was generously donated by local restaurants – Chili’s Grill and Bar, Osteria Marzano, and Walker’s Grille.

Make sure to join us next year - we promise surprises that you wont want to miss out on!

More information on the CADD Foundation

The Travis Manion Foundation story: Shortly after the death of 1st Lt. Travis Manion in Iraq in 2007, the fallen Marine’s mother, the late Janet Manion, founded the Travis Manion Foundation (TMF) to assist our nation’s veterans and families of the fallen. TMF engages with veterans and families of the fallen in all stages of their personal journeys and offers unique opportunities to empower them to achieve their goals. They believe that the best way to honor the fallen is by challenging the living. TMF challenges veterans and survivors to lead the “If Not Me, Then Who…” movement to inspire others to continue the service to community and country exemplified by the nation’s fallen heroes.

More information about the Travis Manion Foundation

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