CADD Foundation's Career Day Helps Inspire Students

Aug 23, 2016

CADD Microsystems works with its clients to help them design, build and operate buildings, roads and structures more efficiently through the use of 3D software. Our industry opens the door to a wide range of careers based on a variety of interests. And we want to share that with future generations!

Career Day Activities
We developed a Career Day program for 5th and 6th grade students participating in Wesley Housing's Summer Camp. They visited our office park on Thursday, August 18 to get an inside look at what we do.

After a visit to our office space, our first order of business was a 360 degree tour of the view from the top of our office building. We were able to see some great landmarks – The Washington Monument, the Masonic National Memorial, the Fort Belvoir Observatory, and more.

We wanted to show how everything around us – like the landmarks we saw – is designed and built using technology. That the job opportunities within the design, architecture, engineering and construction industries are as exciting as they are varied. We put together a video reel that showcases all the amazing things that Autodesk software helps bring to life – skyscrapers, cities, movies, video games and more.

Next, we guided the students through two interactive activities – building bridges out of straws, and designing a city with blocks based on what cities need – schools, hospitals, roads, etc. And no field trip would be complete without a pizza party, and we were happy to oblige! Check out pictures from the event below.


About The CADD Foundation
This program was developed for Wesley Housing by the CADD Foundation. Our foundation’s pillars focus on community development, youth services, and military support, and we are building programs that address these pillars.

Please join us for our upcoming fundraiser supporting military service members, taking place on October 20th. Enjoy food, drinks, a live band and great silent auction packages. Learn more about our fundraiser here




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